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to forage for some rosemary.

Once again my very good friend Flossie kindly took some photos of her dinner for me, it’s like getting blood out of a stone, trying to get friends to do guest posts.
This week she had roast lamb with an onion sauce, it looks gorgeous and I’d never have thought of an onion sauce on a Sunday lamb roast, so there you go.

I know it tasted lovely, not because I had any but, I have had a Flossie roast and she really does make a nice one..

Firstly she ventured out into the garden


So she could add it to the lamb along with some garlic.

lamb rosemary

She covered it in tin foil and stuck it in the oven while the potatoes were boiling for roast.

peel pots

I reckon she ought to have saved those potato peelings for a nice crispy potato side dish for the next day, she rolled her eyes at me when I said so..

The onion sauce, well she was a bit vague when telling me about that, but we were on our third glass of wine of the evening and I wasn’t really paying too much attention..

so onions (in new saucepan, on account the old one got chucked out during the Nigel Slater sodding chicken pie episode the other week.)


sweat them off, probably make a roux and add milk.

onion sauce

When the lamb was done and she’d taken it out to rest

rest lamb

she made gravy with the meat juices which I was quite impressed with, but I didn’t tell her that..

make gravy

and there you have, roast Lamb, roast potatoes, veggies with onion sauce and gravy..


It really looks lovely doesn’t it, can’t wait til after Christmas when I get to visit again and she makes faux Christmas dinner..
