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If I were a proper domestic goddess I’d have whipped that up into a shepherds pie, but to be honest there wasn’t enough to make a crook, let alone a whole Shepherd.

The age old question, What to do with a piece of left over roast lamb?

If I were a proper domestic goddess I’d have whipped that up into a shepherds pie, but to be honest there wasn’t enough to make a crook, let alone a whole Shepherd.
When we were kids if there was any lamb left over, my sister and I would have had it cold with mashed potato and baked beans the next day, looking back, I’m sure we enjoyed it, but not something that would appeal to me now, cold lamb just isn’t all that great, you never ask for a lamb sandwich or a LLT do you, so what to do?

I had a little think and came up with

Crispy lamb with stir fry veggies..

I decided to try my hand at Chinese pancakes, using a recipe I found on youtube, not quite as easy as it looks, the dough was incredibly sticky and I struggled to make 4, but I will persevere and when I have a lot more time I shall attempt to make them again, that said, they did taste like Chinese pancakes and I was pleased with what I had managed, they were a bugger to peel apart though..


lamb prep

I cut up the lamb, oiled it, put it in the oven until it began to get hot, added some hoi sin sauce.

with hoisin

and put it back..

Stir fried the shredded veggies with a sprinkle of thai spice mix and then added a nest of noodles I’d found lurking at the back of the cupboard.

add noodles

Then I added some soy sauce, because that’s what you do to a stir fry, isn’t it?

and it was done..

lamb with stirfry

As I said, the meat tasted great with the hoisin sauce wrapped in a pancake and I’m determined to crack it next time..

crispy lamb